Tavola disegno 7.svg

A common-sense sign is the founding element of SIAS, a different company in the modern context.
Its language is direct, its communication simple.
The intent, clearly, is transmitted: to be, to do and to think big, mutually growing with each other in terms of relationships and exchange.
Attention, ability and presence represent the symbolic code of SIAS.
In the rat race of life, it's a reassuring message of reliability.


Angolo Terme, 1978. Thanks to an intuition experienced by Armando Furloni, SIAS was founded in the Valle dei Segni.
This was the beginning of an important story, the cornerstone of a great enterprise, the origin of a business that has grown over time.
Determined, constant and active, SIAS grows. An identity that evolves and strengthens. To lead the way.

© Historical Archive of the Centro camuno di Studi Preistorici (Camuno Centre for Prehistoric Studies, a non-profit cultural organisation).
Rock from the Seradina-Bedolina Municipal Archaeological Park in Capo di Ponte.



Today, SIAS is a dynamic company, a leader in valuable road signs.
Maximum capacity, adaptable robustness.

With its expertise and professionalism, SIAS today is an excellent reference point, a major partner in the infrastructure sector.

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SIAS believes in careful innovation, reserved for the needs of its clients, dedicated to everyday things and people.

To prevent and protect, SIAS raises and redefines standards, experiments and invents, perfects and implements.
It is an uncompromising commitment, a vision that guides: a safe journey, a peaceful life.


In SIAS, there is a set of coordinated solutions, a structure capable of responding to complex requests, a robust organisation of resources and technologies.
A forward-thinking attitude and ongoing training, keeping up-to-date and striving for progress are the values embodied by every company environment and division.
In SIAS everything evolves, continuously, to command efficiency in the right direction.

A forward-thinking attitude and ongoing training, keeping up-to-date and striving for progress are the values embodied by every company environment and division.

In SIAS everything evolves, continuously, to command efficiency in the right direction.

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